Juan Lazaro
Born in Manuel, Cuba in 1973, Juan Lazaro Gutierrez Mamblas is a painter who focuses his vision on the bicycle. His abstract works with forms floating on a virtually monochrome ground are evocative of the 20th century inventions of Paul Klee. It is the intriguing puzzle of these forms that draws the viewer into the works where enigmas and paradoxes confound the senses. Lazaro deconstructs the universal bicycle into colorful parts that splash out onto the viewer.
Untitled, Acrylic on canvas 2019
Tricycle, Acrylic on canvas 2020
Lets Go, Acrylic on canvas 2020
Pura Adrenalina, Acrylic on canvas 2013
Turnera y pasion, Acrylic on canvas 2014
Green Bike, Acrylic on canvas 2020
I tried to kill you, Acrylic on canvas 2014
La Encontre, Acrylic on canvas 2020
Always Be Positive, Acrylic on canvas 2014
Bike Transformer, Acrylic on canvas
I Love My Bike, Acrylic on canvas 2020
Pink Bike, Acrylic on canvas 2020
Interesante Bike, Acrylic on canvas 2020
The Faster, Acrylic,Ballpoint Pen on Canvas
Player, Acrylic,Ballpoint Pen on Canvas, 2013
Transform, Acrylic,Ballpoint Pen on Canvas, 2020
Times heals almost everything, Acrylic,Ballpoint Pen on Canvas, 2018
Filter, Acrylic, Ballpoint Pen on Canvas, 2018
Another artifact, Acrylic,Ballpoint Pen on Canvas, 2018
REPARANDO, Acrylic,Ballpoint Pen on Canvas, 2018
Pink sunlight, Acrylic,Ballpoint Pen on Canvas, 2015
mientra medeitaba, Acrylic on Canvas, 2017
3 CDs, Acrylic,Ballpoint Pen on CDs, 2016