“His arena included relationships with most of the major artists of the last century. He received personal works of art and portraits from many, including Miro, Raphael Soyer, Menashe Kadishman, Ron Agam, De Chirico, Chagall, Sonya Delanay, Larry Rivers, Renelio Marin, Christo and Jeanne-Claude.”

Full Text below from ARTnews, A special issue of Art in America, 2022

Jacob Baal-Teshuva

I was introduced to Jacob Baal-Teshuva and his close friend, the French art critic, Pierre Restany, one evening in Paris in the early 1990's. The occasion was a dinner at the famous brasserie, La Coupole, in Montparnasse. Baal-Teshuva had become an important collector of contemporary art, as well as a leading independent and international curator and freelance critic of art. From my observation, exchanging views with Pierre Restany was directly connected to his ongoing feeling for art.

Over the years, I had the happy occasion to spend time with both of them. I was learning a great deal. It became clear that Jacob was an impressive lover of art, one of the most convincing I have ever met. I will never forget the way he spoke about art and the manner in which he would drift into silence when moved beyond what words could tell. I feel privileged having shared the moments of listening and speaking to a great man whose life became his passion for art.

Robert C. Morgan, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, R.I.T.


ART…..LOVE…WORDS--What remains when we go

Baal-Teshuva: A repentant return to observant obedience, to God, Torah, and 'Mitzvah'. Jacob Baal-Teshuva was a 'Mensch,' joyously helping others while engaging his intellectual purpose. Compassionate and ambitious, he sought to enlighten himself and those he touched. That is why so many were sorrowful when he died, calling to express how he helped them achieve success. His arena included relationships with most of the major artists of the last century. He received personal works of art and portraits from many, including Miro, Raphael Soyer, Menashe Kadishman, Ron Agam, De Chirico, Chagall, Sonya Delanay, Larry Rivers, Renelio Marin, Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Jacob got results; and even more than respected, he was loved. 

Born in Israel, Jacob came to New York in his twenties as a Freelance Journalist at the United Nations while attending NYU. Jacob spoke six languages, knew most of the major political and historical figures involved in the birth of Israel and its defense from his time in the 'Underground'. He forged relationships including a close personal one with the Secretary General of the United Nation, U-Thant, whose autobiography he edited. "The Mission of Israel," was a compilation of essays, one by then President John F. Kennedy, former President Harry Truman, and other worthy contributors. These were among his first published books in New York.

A Naturalized American Citizen, Jacob became engaged at the highest level by art museums and collectors on five continents, as curator, appraiser, and as a private art dealer. His appraisal of artworks involved extensive research, including from his own art reference library. He authored a long list of books, created countless exhibitions, helped build important private collections such as the largest of Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat, and promoted artists. Hundreds of artworks in his home were presented as a single collection at auction. He retained the core of his library and his most cherished works of art, while renewing his personal art collection.

He was a Board member of both the American and International Societies of Appraisers; and Critic, Correspondent, Bureau Chief, and Editor of seminal art publications. But he was most deeply touched when receiving the Legion of Honor in Literature from French President Chirac.

It is beyond the scope of this acknowledgement to say much more than.. he was Project Oriented and got results in Art, Love, and Words. He is remembered for his charm and reliability. He was a guiding light. Presently, access to his Reference Library and Collection continues through his Global Fine Arts, Ltd. and his widow, Denise Marie Baal-Teshuva.

AMRM artist Renelio Marin is featured in ARTnews, A special issue of Art in America, 2022. His artworks are collected by the New York contemporary art collector Jacob Baal-Teshuva (1929-2022).